Povratak na članak

Dan orla i 303. eskadrila RAF-a 1940. godine

Zanimljivo je da je u 303. eskadrili letio i Miroslav Ferić, poljski pilot hrvatska podrijetla, koji je srušio osam njemačkih zrakoplova.

Komentari 11

Deleted user
18:54 18.08.2015.

Myth Three: The British were so short of pilots by the third successive month of aerial combat (September, 1940) that youths with no flying experience were thrown to the Nazi wolves. Britain had an almost constant supply of 1,400 reasonably well-trained pilots available throughout the crucial weeks of the battle. The shortfall was never above 10%. The Germans did suffer a deficit, which reached a crippling one-third level by September. It was Winston Churchill who started the overwhelming-odds myth with his August, 1940, phrase, "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." Comments Overy: "If Fighter Command were the 'few,' German fighter pilots were fewer."

Deleted user
18:54 18.08.2015.

Myth Five: Hitler's personal intervention in early September (when he ordered the Luftwaffe to begin attacking London) saved Fighter Command from extinction and turned the battle Britain's way. But as Overy shows, the R.A.F. retained most of its strength at this time while Luftwaffe losses were becoming unsustainable.

Deleted user
18:56 18.08.2015.

Myth Two: The Spitfire fighter aircraft gave the British the decisive edge. Hurricanes made up the bulk of Fighter Command and accounted for two-thirds of aircraft used. Spitfires were shot down faster than Hurricanes.

Deleted user
00:46 24.08.2015.

Ponovno terminološki problemi- nije Hurrican, već Hurricane! Nije Haugh Dowding, nego Hugh (izgovara se Hju). Nije ti to indijanski pozdrav iz stripa, Bernarde...

Deleted user
14:22 18.08.2015.

...." čuvao je svoje malobrojne lovce »Spitfire « i »Hurrican«",...prvo, nije Hurrican nego HurricanE, sa E na kraju, a drugo to je bio mit o "malobrojnim lovcima"....Myth One: The few against the many. It shows that the R.A.F. and Luftwaffe were closely matched in the air battle over southern England. In several important respects, including leadership, tactics, intelligence and above all aircraft production, the British had a substantial edge, although they didn't realize it at the time.

Deleted user
14:35 18.08.2015.

Iako su se masovno borili u britanskim redovima, zbog politike prema SSSR-u Poljaci,...ahahaaa koji bolesnik...sto nisu onda bili u luftvafe, a ne borili se protiv nijemaca takvom mrznjom da su cak gadjali padobrance kad iskoce iz mesersmita zbog politike premaa sovjetskom savezu. ahahaaa, to bi isto bilo ko da je musliman otiso u crnu goru i ubijo hrvate zbog politike prema srbima... ja da sam urednik ovog sr.anja ja bi ti dao otkaz isti tren.

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